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Miller Cut Gen Draft Mktg; Switched to Lite; Loaded Distribs; SAB´s Man-in-Charge

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Miller’s 2d qtr even softer in US than –2.5% that PM reported; Miller had loaded distribs toward end of 2d qtr, distribs say. Altho July better for some distribs INSIGHTS talked to, Miller well below its budgeted target in Jul too; its most recent malternative intros are not selling well. Meanwhile, Miller "confirmed it has reallocated spending on" Gen Draft, wrote Ad Age in front-page article, "until the agency gets its creative on track." That spending shifted to Miller Lite, according to spokesman. Gen Draft, Miller’s 3d biggest brand, down 4% yr-to-date in supers. At Miller distrib council meeting in mid-Jul, a notable absence: prexy John Bowlin, who was on vacation. But a key SABMiller exec did attend: Pete Lloyd. Pete’s official title "organization development director" doesn’t do him justice. He is SAB’s key transition exec and "man-in-charge," according to several sources. He raised some eyebrows with talk of exceedingly lean SAB corporate hq. Tho SABMiller execs have said it's biz as usual, many expect big changes at Miller. Already, one of 9 most sr execs, sr veep corp strategy and international Dick Strup, will leave in next several mos.

Publishing Info

  • Year: 2002
  • Volume: 33
  • Issue #: 14
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