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The Long View: The US Beer Industry 1980-2014 


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• A 35-year series of key US beer industry shipments data in a single document

• Exclusive tables, text and graphs bring the numbers alive

• BMI’s experienced editors point out important trends and changes


You can’t know where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.


And now for the first time ever, beer industry execs and analysts can easily access fully 35-years of US beer history, with all the key numbers that provide critical perspective and insights to plan for the future in this dynamic industry. Beer Marketer’s INSIGHTS, the leading source of beer industry information for 45 years, compiled the numbers you need in “The Long View: The US Beer Industry 1980-2014.” This report will includes dozens of tables and text files, with color graphs that detail:


Total industry volume 1980-2014: annual taxpaid, import and taxfree shipments, with a 10-yr series for cider

Major brewers and importers 1980-2014: annual shipments, trends and market share

Segment data: annual shipments, trends and market share for Above Premium (import, craft, superpremium FMBs, cider), Premium (light and full calorie), Subpremium (light, full calorie, malt liquor) and No-alcohol brews.

Top brands 1980-2014: annual shipments, trends and market share

Package trends 1980-2014: annual can, bottle and draft share

Consumer Price Index history 1980-2014 for all items, beer, wine and spirits

Per Capita beer, wine and spirits consumption: trends and share of absolute alcohol

• A comparison of 1984 and 2014 demographic data


Each chapter includes tables with the most accurate data and estimates available, plus graphs to illustrate key changes and trends, with exclusive analysis from BMI’s experienced editors.


“The Long View” provides institutional knowledge with the click of a mouse, a rich history to help you understand current trends and plan future actions.


 • How have industry growth rates changed?

• What’s the history of beer vs spirits?

• How do major suppliers’ current trends compare to the 1980s, 1990s and 2000s?

• What brands and segments were hot when; which brands disappeared and which came on like gangbusters?


Answer all of these questions, and many more with the exclusive, rich data and analysis provided by “The Long View: The US Beer Industry 1980-2014.”


Order your digital-only report today and get 35 years of key numbers and analysis for $249.